In Tom Robbins' uproarious and delightfully profane novel "Jitterbug Perfume," one of the central themes is the pursuit of immortality. Beets play heavily into that equation. Pan, the god of wine, is one of the characters. It's a good and funny book. It's one of the many inspirations for this blog.
For centuries, people have done whatever it takes to stay young. In fact, the desire to remain youthful has intensified in these modern times. Yet, even with all of the readily available knowledge that exists today, people have a hard time putting it all together. The key is YOU and your mindset.
It's not about where you're from or where you're are going. It's about where you're at. In particular, what shows are you going to see or not see? And how do you find out about good shows that are coming up?? Letting the music guide you just might be a way to keep the soul intact. What better guide than the Beet Seeking Missile???The Beet Seeking Missile will always seek out great music at a reasonable price at reasonably-sized venues. Who knows where else this will go?
For more on the health benefits of beets:
And the health benefits of music:
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