Sunday, December 30, 2012

Why Beets?

So why beets?? In addition to providing a mighty source of antioxidants and a boost to cardiovascular health, beets have been found to have anti-aging effects. So naturally, beets AND beats can keep us feeling young and vital. 
In Tom Robbins' uproarious and delightfully profane novel "Jitterbug Perfume," one of the central themes is the pursuit of immortality. Beets play heavily into that equation.  Pan, the god of wine, is one of the characters. It's a good and funny book. It's one of the many inspirations for this blog.
     For centuries, people have done whatever it takes to stay young. In fact, the desire to remain youthful has intensified in these modern times. Yet, even with all of the  readily available knowledge that exists today, people have a hard time putting it all together. The key is YOU and your mindset.
It's not about where you're from or where you're are going. It's about where you're at. In particular, what shows are you going to see or not see? And how do you find out about good shows that are coming up??  Letting the music guide you just might be a way to keep the soul intact. What better guide than the Beet Seeking Missile???
  The Beet Seeking Missile will always seek out great music at a reasonable price at  reasonably-sized venues. Who knows where else this will go?

For more on the health benefits of beets:

And the health benefits of music:

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Here they come!

The seeds for this music blog were sown at the tail end of last year. During the holidays, I hung with some friends who reside in Tracy,  a place where live music is especially hard to come by. Sure there's karaoke and the occasional cover band at the local bowling alley, but not much to satisfy a craving for the original. These friends are discerning music lovers, but like others in their area, are mostly stuck with no choice at all when it comes to seeing live music locally.

But that isn't just a local problem. Many music lovers, in their busy lives, hardly get out to see live shows. When seeking a concert, they often end up seeing overpriced arena or amphitheater spectacles where there is little chance to connect with the music or the artists, aside from  hearing the music from afar and only seeing the musicians up close on a big screen. And that's a shame because live music in small venues is especially good these days. But how does one find out about must-see small venue shows?

Hopefully this blog will provide the answer with insights, previews and reviews of shows that are affordable, worth seeing and in up-close, intimate settings. I live in Sacramento and will mostly recommend shows in my area. From time to time, I will also let you know about something a little further out. 

My goal is not only for you to get more bang for your buck when it comes to live music, but to experience it the way it was meant to be experienced-and have a damn good time doing it. So please hop on board and join the fun! And be forewarned: if you anxiously await the next Eagles reunion or any news of U2 touring a stadium near you- this blog is not for you.