Long may he shred!!! |
Still, a run seemed like a good idea late on a breezy Monday afternoon in Sacramento. But even with this positive idea as a catalyst, motivation was nowhere to be found. Caffeine had been deeply sourced all day long. Mental fatigue was setting in. How could one get the momentum going?
The only thing to do, was to rummage through the CD pile and seek out Pantera's Vulgar Display of Power. The Beet Seeking Missile had forgotten how, years ago, cranking up this early 90's metal classic had added instant adrenaline to any workout
As it was on the band's first record Cowboys from Hell, guitarist Dimebag Darrell's legendary shredding sets the tone on this disc.Straddling the fine line between Eddie Van Halen and Randy Rhoades, mixed with dirty Texas blues, Dimebag ripped up and down the fretboard with a rare combination of ferocity and precision.Fortunately for the Beet Seeking Missile, he was able to see this phenomenal shredder live a few times, being blown away by his onstage passion for the metal. This little Texan, along with his drumming brother Vinnie, set the world of heavy music afire with their blazing music.
So about a minute into the album's opening track "Mouth for War," the adrenaline started double-kicking in just as the the the brothers (Darrell's brother Vinnie played drums in the band)Paul do at the beginning of the song. Simultaneously, the Beet Seeking Missile flipped on the TV, because he knew his beloved A's were just starting in Milwaukee. Just as the song has switched gears to a full gallop near it's end, CRACK!, the A's Coco Crisp leads off the game with a home run. You can't script that folks-you just can't. By about the fifth song "This Love," the Beet Seeker, was working up a good lather in the living room, ready to hit the trail for a great run.
The brothers Paul-Vinnie and Darrell |
Postscript-Sadly, a few years back, Darell was gunned down by a lunatic while onstage in an Ohio club as his brother watched in horror from behind his drum kit. However, the legacy of sheer metal madness he left behind still energizes countless others on their daily trek through life. So when you are feeling a little low on energy, do what the Beet Seeking Missile does: turn it up LOUD!!!